Western Australia

WA's ESG Commitment

Supporting continuous improvement in environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes for Western Australia.

Western Australia's ESG credentials, sustainability journey and achievements are outlined in recent Publications and Disclosures, and are endorsed by Third Party ESG Ratings providers. Western Australian Treasury Corporation supports the State's sustainability initiatives through our Benchmark Bond program and our Sustainability Bond Framework.

ESG Publications and Disclosures

Sustainability Bond Framework

Western Australian Treasury Corporation's framework for issuing green, social and sustainability bonds enabling investors to contribute capital to forward looking transformational environmental and social projects across Western Australia.

Third Party ESG Ratings

Western Australia's ESG profile is independently reviewed by third parties which Western Australian Treasury Corporation seeks to understand and monitor. The ratings below may not be an exhaustive list of all ESG ratings available.

Banner image below - Ningaloo Reef, Coral Bay. Image courtesy of Tourism Western Australia.