Sustainable Finance Program

Our structure to finance projects seeking to achieve transformational change in environmental outcomes and tackle complex social issues in Western Australia.

Sustainable bonds issued under Western Australian Treasury Corporation's (WATC) Sustainability Bond Framework form part of our broader Benchmark Bond program financing Western Australian Government initiatives that contribute to achieving continuous improvement in ESG outcomes for Western Australia.

Sustainability Bond Framework


Enables investors to contribute capital to forward looking transformational environmental and social projects.


Aligns with the International Capital Markets Association's Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles and Sustainability Bond Guidelines.

Independent Certification

Comprehensive Second Party Opinion provided by Sustainalytics on our Framework, proceeds allocation and impact reporting.

Key Documents

External Listing

Projects within WATC’s green bond have met the screening criteria for inclusion on the Climate Bonds Initiative Green Bond Database and the ICMA Sustainable Bond Market Database.

Banner images:
- Whales at Dolphin Cove, Esperance. Image courtesy of Tourism Western Australia.
Below - The Basin, Rottnest Island. Image courtesy of Tourism Western Australia.