For Investors

Individual Investors

Find out more about our retail product offerings and important information for individual investors.

Western Australian Treasury Corporation (WATC) is the central borrowing authority for the State of Western Australia. Under provisions of the Western Australian Treasury Corporation Act 1986, WATC borrows money by issuing bonds called Western Australian State Bonds (State Bonds).

Why Choose WATC?

Government Guarantee

The financial liabilities incurred or assumed by WATC are guaranteed by the Treasurer on behalf of the State of Western Australia.

Credit Ratings

WATC’s borrowings are afforded strong credit ratings, being rated AAA by S&P Global Ratings and Aaa by Moody’s Ratings.

The money borrowed by WATC is lent to State government entities and local governments to finance essential services throughout the State of Western Australia, such as education, health, housing, transportation, electricity and water supplies.

At WATC, we invite individual investors to contribute to the economic and social development of Western Australia by investing in our State Bonds.

Important For Individual Investors

The information provided in this website, including State Bonds offered to individual investors, does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell securities in any jurisdiction where legislation, regulations or any other written order exists that expressly prohibits such actions. Any application received by WATC from an investor is deemed to include a representation from the investor that it is not from such a jurisdiction and that there is no legal reason why WATC should not effect the investor’s application.

  • Western Australian State Bonds

    Learn about investing in our State Bonds and the parameters that apply.

    Learn more
  • Investments for Immigration

    Understand the terms and conditions specific to this kind of investment.

    Learn more
  • Stockholder Services

    Access resources and support for WATC stockholders.

    Learn more

Forms and FAQs

Quickly access documents and information using the list below.
  • Western Australian State Bonds - Change of Details Form

    Use this form to formally notify of any changes to your personal information.

  • Western Australian State Bonds - Transfer and Acceptance Form

    Use this form to formally apply for the transfer of State Bonds.

  • Business Innovation and Investment Visa Information Package - Closed to new investors

    Information package for Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (Subclass 188)

  • Western Australian State Bonds FAQs

    Frequently asked questions about State Bonds as a Designated Investment

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Banner images:
- Perth City. Image courtesy of City of Perth.
elow - Wave Rock, Great Southern Region. Image courtesy of Water Corporation.